Monday, November 2, 2015

Planks and Thanks

I hope you had a great Halloween weekend with your families!! I know for us we had a GREAT time and ate lots of unnecessary candy which left me feeling like this....

Then a little bit of this....

Then as I started looking at the calendar with my jeans that were a little too tight and realizing that today marks 60 days left till the end of the year!  Ugh!!!  I am starting to feel so off course and grouchy. 12 months ago this feeling of being off course would have completely overwhelmed me and I would think that I need to go run 10 miles and count calories on my fitness pal. Not I have tools and a support! I can do this!!!

Today is Day 1 of our 21 day Planks and Thanks challenge group. I'm re committing to clean eating and portion controlled eating. There. I said it. Now it's out there. It's not about just me making a commitment to myself anymore. Its public! Ahhhhh!!!

Sharing with others makes me very uncomfortable. I know that with uncomfortableness comes changes. It pushing me further than I would ever push myself alone. Its what I need to do but that doesn't make it easy...

I've been eating well, with cheats and treats here and there and working out 5-6 days a week but I've been steadily gaining body fat back. I've been in denial but my pants don't lie. They are getting tight and I've been feeling off. I'm more tired, grouchy and less present with my family. It breaks my heart to admit it but something has to change.

So thankful for the tools I have and people that are on this journey with me. Together we are stronger and I know I can't do this alone. So please help me stay accountable! Also help encourage me because I will have lots of challenging moments and days.

I'm committing to 21 days on the 21 day fix, taking a week of maintenance and treats for Thanksgiving and then back at it!!!  

Here is my meal plan for this week! 

So what to expect from this group?? 

1) You pick a fitness program that works best for you! 

2) We replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology because it is the HEALTHIEST meal of the day and lets face it, as a busy on the go society we need fast food that is healthy!

3) You check into our private accountability group 1x daily and reporting your day and staying accountable with your meals and workout.

4) We will share tips and trips for eating at restaurants, events, clean eating holiday recipes, and a PLANK CHALLENGE EACH DAY!  

5) Grant yourself grace so that you can stay on track to a healthy you all year long, even though the Holidays! 

If this sounds like something you want more info on please fill out this application!!

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